Audi Coolant (G 013 A8J M1) - 1.5L

Audi Coolant (G 013 A8J M1) - 1.5L

Category: Coolant Flush


Brand: Volkswagen Audi Group
Part Number: G 013 A8J M1

Original G13 Coolant VW Audi (Succesor of G12++)
Successor of G12 ++, backward compatible, without hesitation with older refrigerants (eg G12) miscible

G13 is an ethylene glycol/glycerine based extended life antifreeze/coolant that combines the fast healing aluminum protection associated with silicate additives with the extended cooling system protection of organic acid technology

Latest formula of our most popular G13 engine coolant. This version replaces the old G12 formula

Suitable for all types of engines, G13 can be mixed with the G11 and G12

Use all-year-round to provide the necessary protection against frost, overheating, corrosion and calcium deposits


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